Friday 10 October 2014

Despite Doubts,Denzil Franco is Optimistic Of His Colleagues In The HISL

Denzil Franco has impressed on the field as a player and off- field as a human being. He started his football career without much glitz. However, the glamour came through his play. He last player for Churchill Brothers in the I League. Things started to change rapidly for the tight back after Churchill were shown the door out of the I league. In a state of limbo , Denzil waited patiently for the outcome of Churchills appeals. When it seemed it was lost , Denzil jumped boat and signed for Atletico Club de Kolkata.
The journey to Calcutta was not new to Denzil. The journey to the HISL team was or may have been – in new turf with a new club. As he readied himself for his new club , Denzil was selected to represent India in the international friendlies. As usual , India did poorly. Atleast this time , Koevermans realised he had to go.
Denzil does not get distracted by such events. He realises he has to remain focused. His  attention is on football for Atletico Club de Kolkata now. “ I have had three sessions with the team at the Salt Lake stadium so far. They have been electrifying times. I am really beginning to get the feel of the stadium and most important the supporters out here. It is a nice experience. It is something different that I am experiencing now,” confesses Denzil.
Antonio lopes is the first international coach that Denzil is come to grasp with at the club level. Antonio Lopes is a coach of some credible repute in Europe. Maybe not the type that believes he  can help elevate grass root football. “He is a good coach. He is very disciplined and down to earth.He not only gives us good advise but plenty of confidence. Most importantly , he is a very friendly person,” observed Denzil.
Much hype has been created over the Pires’s , Lunjberg’s etc playing in the HISL. The fact is many are retired players. Players, who have hung their boots. From reports available and watching the FC Goa players at their practise venue, their touch maybe there. But , they are physically raw. They may try and get close to shape. But none will be able to regain full physical fitness. That’s a far cry from the truth.
‘It is nice to play along with high class players. They have got the touch and most of them are match fit .I do not foresee any problems. We have a lot to learn from them,” surmises Denzil.
“ The team has around three good players in each position. So, it is difficult to say whether I will be called up to play or not. All of us are giving our best during the practise sessions. I am giving my best, admits Denzil candidly.

Monday 8 September 2014

Wim Is The Boss: Kushal Das

“All talk about India coach Wim Koevermans is rubbish.  The All India football Federation (AIFF) technical committee will submit its’ report about Wim only at the end of October. His contract gets over on Ocotber 30. Till then he is the coach of India,” stated AIFF General Secretary Kushal Das, in an exclusive chat.
A lot of speculation has been doing rounds about the future of Wim as chief coach of India. Things started to plummet when India lost to Pakistan 2-0 in a friendly in Bangalore. Indeed, things started turning dour during the foreign tour that the India boys went to before the start of the Incheon Asian games.
Losing to Pakistan , however, proved to be the last straw on their neck. So much so , the Indian government is having second thoughts on whether the Indian football team should be allowed to represent India at the Incheon Asian Games.
Media reports and reports on the web have been thereafter been suggesting that Wim is on his way out. There has been speculation that he may be accommodated as technical director whilst Rob Baan, the present TD is to be elevated as coach of India. Reports have even suggested that an Indian be given the mantle of coach of the Indian team.

“How can we talk of a new coach when Wim is  in-charge? The AIFF is not thinking on these lines. First , the technical committee has to submit it’s report. The report will then be submitted to the AIFF Executive Committee. A call will be taken only after that. Please rubbish all reports of Wim being appointed as technical director,” stated Das.

Saturday 6 September 2014

GFA requests AIFF Rs 1 Crore as Grant in Aid; AIFF stays aloof

Many a times , duplicity engulfs the functioning of AIFF. On one hand earnest intent is displayed in taking football forward. Different approaches to the road forward are shown to being paved. But, when it boils down to calling a spade , a spade the cloak of reality shows a naked body.
Goa football association (GFA) President Mr. Elvis Gomes dashed out a letter to AIFF President Praful Patel on August 20,2014. The letter , apart from entailing Goa’s contribution towards the development of  football , explains that despite having a team in the Hero India super League(HISL), GFA has been kept in the dark about the role it has to play in the conduct of the HISL.
“The ISL, a commercial initiative developed by the AIFF has had no formal engagement or discussions with the GFA as yet,except that the representatives of the Goa franchise have approached for the purpose of  registration of the entity with  GFA”.
Interestingly, the GFA President   terms  the “ ISL a commercial initiative.”
I would request the AIFF favourably considers this State Football association to bestow some financial benefit out of the ISL, so that sufficient capacities are built to handle the demands that will arise in the futurenot only as a result of ISL,but the Under 17 World Cup in 2017 as well,” says the note penned by Elvis to AIFF President Praful Patel and general secretary Kushal Das.
“I would appreciate a Grant –in- Aid of Rs 1.00 crore for a beginning which will be exclusively used for the above purpose”, says the letter. “ The above purpose” suggests to create a pool of personnel and develop a good infrastructure for office including introduction of ICT.”
It has been a fortnight now that the letter has been sent and there is no word from the AIFF. “ Forget replying. They should  at least have had the decency of confirming the receipt of the letter. There is no word from Mr. Praful Patels office nor from the genral secretary Kushal  Das,” stated a bemused Elvis Gomes.
Numerous attempts to get in touch with Kushal das  through the day, proved futile. “Switched Off” was the message received till the time of getting published.

Monday 25 August 2014

Churchill should let the ball roll again and be part of Goan footballing folklore!

Goan  football lovers  are  a baffled lot.  On one side of the field stands Churchill Brothers Football Club  patron and strong football lover Churchill Alemao and on the other, the All India football Federation (AIFF).
It has been a while now that the Churchill Brothers team has been dismissed from the AIFF I League for failing to fulfil certain mandatory criterias imposed on AIFF by the Asian Football Council (AFC) and other bodies associated with soccer. At the end of the day , if the whip is not lashed , it is not just Churchill Brothers but many from up the line who have to face a whiplash. To avoid that , Churchill Brothers and three other teams in the I League have had to go home.
The teams dismissed appealed.They failed. The AFC applauded the AIFF for the stand taken. Churchill Brothers and officials of the other teams fumed. There were rumours that the Court of Arbitration for Sport(CAS) would be approached. Infact, that was the only option left for Churchill Brothers and the other teams.
However, the teams decided to take a different route-t hey approached the High Court In New Delhi . Is this the best resort?
“As far as we are concerned , all the options are exhausted. They were given a chance. They did not take it. Indian football has to move forward. We did all we could the FIFA rules are very clear. There is nothing the AIFF can do,” stated AIFF General Secretary Kushal Das.
“We have got certain documents. As far as we are concerned, there is nothing else we can do. There is no footballing scope by going to the High Court,” stated I League CEO Sunando Dhar.
Churchill Brothers , however , is after a long while, keeping his cards tightly on his chest. “No comments,’ he said while not ruling out a fight with the AIFF till the end.”Every Goan knows how much I have done for football. Something clerical should not come in the way of a club that has done so much for football. This does not make footballing sense,” averred the patron of the club.
“It depends on what the matter is. But, the High Court has vast jurisdiction. Nothing can be ruled out. I do not know the case of Churchill Brothers but I know that the High Court cannot be ignored,” stated noted lawyer Aires Rodrigues.
Churchill silence at this point of time seems to be turning the I League cake to bread . Fortunately , most of his players have moved to more assuring pastures. After all , their futures are at stake. Goan football is too. Though not much, football in Goa will be better if the ball rolls. Churchill has a chance to do just that –once again! Will he?

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Santosh Trophy Weary Of AIFF Rule?Straightening required.....

The All India Football Federation (AIFF) stipulation not allowing under-23 football players to play in the Santosh Trophy- India’s premier and most coveted Cup – has left many in the game in a flux.  It has led to a cat and mouse syndrome. At one point , the decision seems good for the development while at the other end, it does not.
“The decision was taken to broadbase the game. The under-23 playing in the I League have enough of competition. This rule was put in place to help those who do not get a chance to play many games,” says AIFF general secretary Kushal Das.
“ The current rule makes it mandatory for all I League teams to field two under-23 players for all their games. So, there is no way the boys in the I League are not going to get a chance. It is not that the I League have all under-23 players. So , the playing hours a under-23 footballer gets is high,” says Kushal Das while trying to justify the decision.
“ There are under-23 players in the I League who play for  very little time. The AIFF should put a time limit. Say , if a under-23 player plays for more than 500 hours then he should not be allowed,” states Arjuna awardee Brahmanand  Shankwalkar. “ With this new rule , not only do the under-23 players suffer but winning the Santosh Trophy becomes difficult for States like Goa , Bengal etc..etc. It is the states with very few teams in the I League that benefit. Look at the North Eastern states,” avers Brahmanand.
“Take the case of Goa. There are some good under-23 players registered with I League teams. They hardly play more than 150 odd minutes for them. Yet , thy cannot represent Goa. Good talent is sitting out. Some amendment is required,” thinks Brahmanand.
“ There is enough competition in the I League. It is a misconception that the players do not get enough opportunities to play. The reverse is true.It is purely to broadbase the game that thi decision was taken,” states Kushal Das.
“The rule can definitely be fine tuned. This can be done if the interest of the players is genuinely in mind of the authorities concerned. This is not the end of the road,” states another renowned footballer from Goa.
Another aspect of the matter is : how is the Santosh Trophy perceived now a days? Still the best tournament that the best players want to play and win , the Santosh Trophy seems marginalised after the onset of the I-League. “ Take Goa. The chief Minister has declared football as the State sport. For sure the best players would like to play and win the Santosh Trophy. Many will be unable to do so with this rule. It is a pity,” says another international player from Goa.
There has been much consternation in the minds of those involved with football over this AIFF directive. According to sources in the AIFF, the matter is not closed. If a positive suggestion for the development of football sprouts up, it can be looked into. The AIFF is listening , and most importantly, waiting to see what drives up the road. Hopefully , football lovers and players will not have to wait for long!

Sunday 17 August 2014

Let Football Find It's New Path With Elvis Gomes

When one resorts to mud slinging after defeat, it is not good. At best , it reflects one’s true character. And , that is what is happening in Goan football today. Savio Messias jumped off the GFA boat before it’s members made him realise that he does not have the brains or –for that matter the integrity- to take football forward. On the day he did that , he issued a press statement claiming he was withdrawing from the GFA contest in the interest of the game. Now, that is being proved by him to be a lie.
Ever since Mr. Elvis Gomes won the president ship  unopposed, Savio has been at petty games –not really hampering the functioning of GFA much – but putting himself to ridicule. And , as usual, he has been using one senior journalist as his arm pit.
The first attempted tirade he attempted against Elvis Gomes was the course for referees being organised by the British Council in New Delhi. The British Council is organising a course for people interested in the development of football in India. Shrinivas Dempo , as the then president of GFA- entrusted the job to Savio. Etiquette says, Savio should had informed Elvis Gomes about how matters with the course stood. In his own admission, Savio did not. Instead he spoke to the two new Vice presidents of the GFA. Maybe , he felt too small to approach Elvis. In the end , due to Savio’s ego , GFA would have missed the bus!
Electronic email evidence available suggests that Elvis Gomes acted on the British Council proposal the moment he got wind off it from AIFF general secretary Kushal Das. Not just Kushal but the official from the British Council was intimidated of GFAs' interest. Not one email , suggest otherwise.
Yet , in the edition of a local newspaper, Savio tries to discredit Mr. Gomes. As usual, his clarifications in the press reflect the mood of a bitter man . It reflects the pain of a man who cannot digest defeat; it reflects the anguish of a man unable to believe that in life , there are some people better than one’s own self. Doing football to further the game is one thing. Getting involved in football to further one’s personal interest is another. This is what Savio Messias has to understand.
To understand defeat is not hard. What is hard to swallow is the fact that one’s true colours cannot be hidden forever. It is time , Savio raises up his hands and admits football is no longer his cup of tea. Being a good administrator is one thing. Good administartors are important. But , they are not the people to take football forward. Savio knows this from his one time arch enemy Alberto Colaco. He used to say the same about Alberto. It is now time for someone to say this to Savio. In other words- wake up and smell the coffee. It is a good brew too!
Let football find its’ new path with Elvis Gomes.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Savio Should Sulk in Shame

It has been a while now that Elvis Gomes has been crowned King of Goan football. Honestly , there was nothing newsy about his win. If not winning unopposed , he was expected to drub his opponent. Luckily, Savio Messias did not allow stupidity pile on him. Had he not contested , he would have found himself unrestored.
Unfortunately , in life there are people who allow the mundane to carry them away. It is easy to forget . Not really , sometimes the dirty mechanisms of man are easier to remember. Especially when man uses mechanisms to further his selfish games instead of sports. It all leads to games people play. This was more than evident in this Goa Football Association (GFA) election.
Savio’s climb to the GFA was not pedagogic. He never got into football because he loved the game. Rather , he used the game to further his interests-business ones. That is why in one of his press notes released after he withdrew from the presidential race- he boasted that he had made a fixed deposit of over Rs one crore for GFA. Now, can one develop football with a FD? How naive.
Anyway, that is Savio. Someone , who has always used others to further his cause and not that of the game. Many years ago , it was Savio Messias who had ganged up against Alberto Colaco. He fought – not an open war but a hide and seek  war  with Colaco . Like now , Savio used the press to fight his war. At that time , nobody won. Alberto was booted from the All India football Federation (AIFF) and Savio had to do with the left overs of the GFA.
Time heals it is said. Not in the case of these two guys. It was not despondency that brought them together during this election. Rather it was the knowledge that they were losing the grip of the game to some one more able and honest that had them sweat. Not just that. Elvis knows the Chief Ministers mind on football.
So , this election , old foes came together to try and prevent a man who wants and will take football  forward , from doing so. At first they tried to use the big fish. If not the fish , their names were used and fed to sardines. Vulnerable people were coaxed and even a man like Tony Remedios was pestered to sand for the post of president.
Nothing worked. Realising that he would be routed, Savio Messias withdrew. But the barbs of defeat still linger on. Instead of trying to move forward with football, Savio has now started using the press. This time ,he has got some of them in the press to lick his festered wound. How? Wine and women , Savio has told some of his friends.
Fortunately , this time , football is not looking back. For passion is not Elvis’s only weapon. Blind belief in God is. With such a weapon , trespassing him will be foolish !

Monday 14 July 2014

Elvis Gomes is King of Goan Football: Elected GFA President Unopposed

As said , Elvis Gomes was today declared elected unopposed as the new President of the Goa Football  Association (GFA). Not that his election or win was ever in doubt. His victory was a foregone conclusion , it was the margin or manner of his win that had football lovers guessing all over the State.
For a man so entwined with the States administration , sometimes, time plays a crucial role. It did not for Elvis as the support for him was at a crescendo at the time he filed his nomination. He was the first to file his nomination and watched as many – now desperately trying to grapple to some GFA  twines-  expected him to approach them , instead of the other way round.
Elvis Gomes did not move. He stayed focus. Those with sense , joined his bandwagon before they could miss the ship ; whilst those with little or no sense tried to play their dirty games of up manship against a man that has shown he is straight.
There have been people, through the years, who have contributed to the game. Likewise, there have been people who have not but managed to get contributions from the game.  People who used football to gain power  for themselves ; people who used the game to climb illusory ladders of success. Unfortunately  it is the same people who thought they would play a sly game against Elvis. They felt , their bastion was going to be circumnavigated by a man who  believed that in the end it is God that you are answerable to and through God all great things happen!
Strange things happen during election time. Even in sports. Enemies of the past , become not just friends of today but great friends. Unsuspecting people are used as prop ups and even the ignorant are slighted in fear of being lost into oblivion.
Elvis Gomes knows who has played what games. But ,  Elvis is not a scumbag. Fortunately for football, he is not going out to fish for revenge. There is a lot of work to be done. To take GFA to another  level  is his priority.
The surprising question that emerged from this election is: Why did Savio Messias  decide on contesting. Savio?  Because it was Savio who once asked  Elvis and company to rally around the then man who controlled football from the South and Delhi for a while.  It was Savio who got many to rally against him. Strangely, it was Savio who fell to this same man’s  shenanigans.
By filing his nominations at the last minute and by withdrawing pretty late, Savio Messias hasn’t done anyone a favour.  Perhaps , there might have been a few who told him it was best for him to do it for  his good. There will be a lot of muck that many will start throwing around now. There will be many who will try to take credit for Savio’s withdrawl. Those in football – for the power they think it gives- will now start throwing aperitifs at Gomes, for favours in the days and months to come. Even years , for the Under-17 World Cup is around and Elvis Gomes is the man- in-charge.
This man takes all the good willing along with him , irrespective of their past. This is the future of football in Goa !

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Goa has a chance to host the Federation Cup; Will GFA, bounce on the task ahead ?

Goa  can be in for a bumper of activities this year if the Goa Football Association (GFA) agrees to host the Federation Cup in December. “ We wanted Jammu and Kashmir to host India’s premier tournament to broadbase the sport. That is why we chose Jammu and Kashmir first. Unfortunately due to the World Cup qualifiers in June , the tournament had to postponed to December and the time is not right ”, stated All India Football Federation (AIFF) general secretary Kushal Das to  goalfest.
“But we are not giving up on Jammu and Kashmir. We have already planned to have next years Federation Cup in July and August over there,”stated Das  categorically.
As of now, this years  Federation Cup seems to be in a state of limbo. “ Nothing has been decided as yet about this years Federation Cup. We have asked Goa whether they are willing to play hosts. GFA is yet to let us know,” stated Mr. Das.
“We have not yet decided on any other place . Goa is our destination for this year. We have written to the GFA a few days back and we are expecting to hear from them in about ten days time. If they say no , we will have to look at some other place,” claimed Mr Das.
“ The GFA election is their problem. We have nothing to do with that or it has nothing to do with hosting the Federation Cup. Goa has got a chance , it is for Goa to take it or leave it,” stated the AIFF secretary
“What feast are you talking about? I have not heard of any feast. How will it effect the hosting of the Cup,” asked a surprised Das. “ Goa are best suited . They have the infrastructure and everything is literally in place,”added a confident sounding Das.
Goa has waited through years for an opportunity host the Federation Cup. Glimpses of teams wearing the Cup on their crowns have been glitzed through television. Will this be our chance before the Cup moves elsewhere as the games base is being broadened? 

Monday 16 June 2014

"Windsurfing Nationals in August," Ashwin Tombat

Windsurfing is a sport that hugs nature. Despite being an expensive sport its basic infrastructure comes in free. With a coast line that Goa has , there is no doubt that the rewards can be plenty. As a matter of fact , from amongst the sports , plenty of awards have been won by windsurfers as in comparison to other sports. Even football – our favourite sport has not managed as many dollies as windsurfing.
Yet, windsurfing finds itself trapped in a sort of a pit hole. One filled by petty politics, Association indifference and government negligence. This impasse , has been going on for too long. However , with a change in government there seems to be, light at the end of the tunnel.
To begin with , the much talked about windsurfing nationals are going to be held in August. “ We could not have the nationals in May because of the lack of people. Volunteers had gone off on holidays. But the nationals are going to be held around the second week of August ,” claims Goa Yatching  Association (GYA) president Ashwin Tombat.
“Windsurfing has received assistance from the government but not exactly enough. We can do with some more help,” asserts Ashwin. “ Many people have helped take the sport forward over the years. People are still representing India now and that is because of the efforts of the GYA,” explains Tombat , as a matter of fact.
Michael was the chief guest at  the annual windsurfing regatta  primarily brought together by former national champion Donald Coelho. And , it was here that he said  “ I admit that the previous government did nothing for this sport. This is a sport enjoyed by everyone who loves the sea. We have so much of it. So, why not use it constructively? ,” asked  Michael.
“ I want the people involved to come forward and meet me. We can draw up a master plan and I am sure the Sports Minister along with Chief Minister , Manohar Parrikar will come out with a way to promote windsurfing. We have to make a proposal,” says Michael.
It is monsoon time now and for a while, the sails will not be seen on the shores. Whenever the weather permits, those enamoured with the game will venture out. Many wondering , whether those involved with the game will make the government realise that windsurfing is a sport worth investing in. Investing , not just for the rich but for those born to be out in the sea.
Windsurfing has seen the different sides of the tango. Just like the dance, it has paused now.  But with Michael Lobo , the GYA  and most importantly Manohar Parrikar’s government, the pause may not be for too long!