Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Goa has the best antidote in 36th National Games for COVID-19

Sports will be one of the best antidote to get life on the mainstream once the pandemic is roped in under control and Goa will be one of the few States to captialise through the 36th National Games  whose hosting dates – presently earmarked for October 20 to November 4 , 2020- still being discussed .
There is still unertainity of whether the National Games will be held on schedule ; whether  they will be postponed ; or whether they will be cancelled. Whatever the outcome , The Local Organising Committee (LOC) led by CEO Ashok Kumar , has kept the organistaional wings rolling despite the pandemic hiccups.
“Despite the grim situation , I would like to assure that the Government of Goa and the Organising Committee is working alongside to attend to all the National Games related matters with the commitmment it deserves,” Ashok Kumar wrote to Indian Olympic Association (IOA) Secretary General Rajeev Mehta on April 27,2020.
“The hosting of the National Games had come up for discussions with authorities and it has been internally decided to proceed with all required arrangements till 31/05/2020, post which , after assesing the COVID-19 situation , at that point in time, and in consultation with IOA , a suitable decision could be arrived on the conduct of the Games , for which the assured participation by qualified teamswill be the single most important factor,” concludes the letter.
The National Games was first to be hosted in 2008 and has been posponed since on a number of occasions with the State being responsible in the past and the IOA having a hand in the delay recently. The frequesnt delays has not gone well in the eyes of the public and the LOC does not want to be caught in a web of postponement again.
 “With there being no clarity on whether the National Games are to be held or not we are proceeding with the process  of getting prepared . COVID -19 had left the country in a uncertainity. We have not been intimated by IOA whether the National Games are to be postponed or not. We are not ready to take any chances in these cu=ircumstances,” Ashok Kumar , CEO told this writer over the phone.
In a circular issued to the stake holders of the36th  National  Games the CEO had stated: “ The Governemnt also observes that in a number of states with the measures implemented at present , the situation is being controlled if not entirely overcome. Considering the scenario , at this juncture it may be impulsive to think on a postponement , as the duration of this fight against the virus is unknown or unpredictable.”
“The Government is holding discussions with the concerned stake holders and is considering all possible developments and a positive resolution would evolve in around five weeks from today ,” stated the letter signed by Kumar on April 23,2020.
“The idea is not to be caught on the wrong foot if the IOA decides that the 36th National Games should be held on schedule or on a new date assigned to us. The idea is to be ready . The Government has been accused of not being prepared before . We do not want to be caught on the wrong foot,” said Ashok Kumar .
“Given the dilemma, the Functional Aea Head as active stake holders are also required to cooperate and as practical as possible invite RFPs/EOIs that have been approved , which is entirely independent to the dates of the hosting,so that there is no further delay in procurement of goods and services. Further, other planning and processes may also continue and the RFPs/EOIsyet to be drafted may be proceeded with,”
 “ If things improve , which all of us hope and are working hard for and the IOA decides that the Games should be held on the stipulated days , we do not want to be caught of guard. The circular clearly asks all involved  not to drop their guard unless we are officially instructed,” concluded Ashok Kumar.

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