Monday, 18 May 2020

IOA asks Goa to host 36th National Games on schedule

The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) has requested  Goa to go ahead with the 36th National Games from October 20 to November 4,2020 whilst praising the state administration for its preparedness in times of the COVID-19 pandemic  paralysing the country.

“After assesement of the information in our knowledge, president Dr Narinder Dhruv Batra , senior officials of IOA  and I affirm that the National Games should be hosted in the same schedule as was announced , 2oth October – 4th November 2020,” IOA secretary Rajeev Mehta wrote in a letter dated May 15,2020.

“ We are ready. It is now upto the Government to take a call. The Government will consult with MHA and the Sports Ministry  to decide on how the Games should be hosted and the  release of Rs 70 crores due to us from the sports ministry,” V. M Prabhudesai , Executive Director of Sports Authority of Goa (SAG) told goalfest.

Despite the lock down announced on March 24 , the Local Organising Committee of the 36 th National Games-headed by Sports Secretary Ashok Kumar-  did not drop guard . “We are tying knots that are possible . Tomorrow if IOA says that the Games shuld be held, we cannot be unprepared. Asking for postponemnets is definitely not an alternative,” Ashok kumar had mentioned when the second Lockdown 2 was announced.

“As informed by the Games Technical Committee Chairman (GTTC) Mr. Mukesh Kumar we are pleased to know that the infrastructure projects and procurement of equipments are underway,as scheduled,and the fact that Goa is in the green zonein the nationwide lock down is benefecial in the preparations . We  commend the Government of Goa for its action to well protect the State from COVID-19,” the IOA secrtary stated in his letter.

“We understand your concern regarding the participation of athletes /teams in the National Games. The lockdown affected sports and some of the national championships were cancelled during the lockdown. Our member National Sports Federations is eagerly looking forward to the National Games in Goa.We would be working closely with  the Federations to ensure that alternate qualification norms are adopted , if not for qualifier competitions , to facilitate the accreditation any sports entry in time,” assured Rajeev .

“Sporting activities would  restart soon and the Sports Authority of India has already announced the SOP for resuming sports . Accordingly, there would be training in advance and participation of the athletes/teamin the National Games,” opined Rajeev in his letter.

“The many postponements of the National Games in Goa has been a matter of concern.As informed earlier, any further postponement would impact the entire sporting fraternity. So we request you to please expedite the preparations and host the Gamesas scheduled this year,” concluded Rajeev.

The use of stadiums – without  fans- was one of therelaxations of  Lockdown 4 by the Government of India  on Sunday.The start of Bundesliga  was the first indicator that countries are laying emphasis on sports and the hosting of the 36th National Games in Goa  with restrictions could well open India’s sporting window.

“Getting sponsors will be a problem. But if the government is determined, there can be a way out. Hosting the National Games san extravaganza is possible,” a senio IOA member said requesting anonymity.

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