Thursday, 21 May 2020

SAI releases SOP to kickstart sports


The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for sportspeople in India has been released by Sports Authority of India after consultations with “stakeholders” – none of them being active sportspeople. The thirty three page document with four annexures was released on Thursday and aims as a guideline all involved in sports should adopt.


It is the responsibility of National Sports Federations (NSFs) to ensure complete adherence to training protocols and to secure agreement from respective athletes that any training activity undertaken shall be in full compliance to the protocols mentioned hereunder. NSF shall nominate a Hygiene Officer to ensure compliance and implementation of all protective measures for athlete and staff safety.


     Obligatory written confirmation (could be in the form of text message) of the infection-free condition of players and staff shall be provided to COVID Task Force officers before entering the premises

     All personal training equipment belonging to an athlete shall be disinfected while the athlete is inducted into the training centre.

     Athletes and staff shall be screened before being allowed access to common field-of-play/training facilities. Oropharyngeal or nasal Swab test shall be conducted for new/returning athletes (especially athletes in Olympic camps). MoHFW may be consulted for same regarding Government guidelines and cost of testing.


     FOP equipment shall be handed over to the athletes and support staff only by the ground staff wearing personal protective equipment for diagnostic officers (FFP 2-3, protective gowns, goggles, gloves)


     Athletes shall change before and after the training at their respective home or room. Use of low ventilated spaces and rooms that prevent social distancing, such as locker rooms and small dry-land rooms shall be eliminated.


     A coach or staff member should ask athletes, as they come into practice, if they feel ill in any way, specifically listing certain symptoms, and send home those athletes reporting illness or experiencing symptoms. Symptoms include mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough and difficulty breathing, or other symptoms.


     Athletes/coaches who begin to cough/sneeze for any reason, must move away from others until coughing/sneezing dissipates.


     As most injuries occur early in the season, deconditioned athletes shall not be rushed back to full practice, or competition. Activities may be increased by 10% each week upon resumption of training.


     Residential athletes requiring usage of common shower areas shall ensure soaps, towels and any other utility is not shared


     On-field training shall be conducted in small groups ensuring minimum distancing of 1.5 to 2 metres (“2 Gaz ki doori[1]) is maintained at all times by trainees and staff


     Any training equipment used shall be disinfected before next usage by a different individual. Athletes shall only be allowed to use personal equipment as including utilities like towels, water bottles etc.


     Hand-hygiene facilities shall be made available adjacent to field-of-play for use as and when necessary.


     Physical contact of any form shall be avoided as part of training routine, for example handshakes, high-fives, tackling, sparring etc.


     Spitting and clearing of nasal/respiratory secretions on the pitch or at any place within the facility other than toilets shall be prohibited.


     Training shall be planned in a manner which prevents the need of physiotherapy or recovery post training


     Use of swimming pool shall be avoided during this period. Separate SOP covering guidelines for swimming activities may be referred as necessary.


     All trainers and support staff shall also adhere to the precautionary measures mentioned in this SOP at all times without exception.


     Athletes shall also perform hand-hygiene before and after use of all training equipment


     Special precautions shall be taken for training engagement of para-athletes as per guidelines and instructions of qualified medical personnel.


     Athletes must remain inside the training facilities till the Covid-19 situation stabilizes


     No spectators shall be allowed within training centre at any time. Only athletes and training staff shall be present at the venue.


     Primary focus shall be on creating a healthy environment with quality experience, progressive training and safety of all athletes and staff.


     Coaches may use downtime to ensure all safety skills are up-to-date, including complete sport safety, concussion training etc.


Precautions for gymnasium/physiotherapy room


     Use of gym shall be avoided/ limited to inescapable requirement; and as far as possible exercise shall be allowed using personal equipment, which shall not be shared by any other trainee.


     If exercising in gym is deemed necessary, distancing norms of 1.5 to 2 metres shall be adhered to at all times and it shall be ensured that no utility like towel, water bottle etc. is shared


     The use of gym shall be allowed in specific time slots, allowing sufficient time for disinfection between two slots, and the maximum number of people allowed to use the gym at a time shall be determined by the COVID Task Force of respective centre


     Use of the fitness equipment shall be permitted only while wearing gloves and face mask and under consequent use of disinfectants afterwards. Use of the fitness room shall be permitted only in small groups of maximum 5 people under observance distancing norms.


     Spatial separation and sufficient distance between gym equipment shall be ensured at all times.


     Each gym equipment shall be disinfected after every single use. Additional staff shall be appointed for proper disinfection of the gym equipment prior to continuous usage.


     Trainees shall be encouraged to undertake additional freehand exercises and practice yoga extensively during this period


All physiotherapy/massage shall be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

SAI has categorized sports depending on the nature of training and competition requirements and assigned baseline precautions to each category[2]. These precautions shall be adhered to at all times.



The following is a list of references used for creating the SOP –


1.      The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Framework for Rebooting Sport in a Covid-19 Environment, May 2020


2.      Standard Operating Procedure for Work Resumption after Lock down, BHEL


3.      Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) Order No. 40-3/2020-DM-I (A) dated 1st May, 2020


4.      Guidelines for Quarantine Facilities, MoHFW


5.    Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19, World Health Organisation AIIMS booklet on COVID-19 Study on Resumption of Sport in India – COVID-19 Scenario, IOA booklet .







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