Monday, 19 May 2014

No quorum for GFA's EAGM

The Extraordinary General Body Meeting of the Goa Football Association(GFA) called for today was postponed for lack of quorum. Around 65 members out of the total of 104 required were present forcing GFA President Shriniwas Dempo to call off the meeting.
The main purpose of todays meeting was to bring about a change in the numbers of representatives from North Goa and South Goa in the GFA committee. According to highly placed sources in the GFA Salcette and Bardez have 6 members in  the committe.This was increased from four to six during the last Extraordinary General Body meeting. Todays meeting was to rivert back to the old formula where Salcette and Bardez   both had four representatives each and tiswadi be given four too.
Sources in the GFA pointed out that out of the 65 odd members who attended todays meeting , a majority were from South Goa. Around forty to be more to the point. A lot of absentism came from the North , raising questions if the move was deliberate.Had todays EGM been passed, Bardez would have had four representatives from among the 65 clubs they have.
Another point to have been  discussed during today’s EGM was a proposal mooted by senior GFA Vice President Elvis Gomes.  Gomes in his proposal has requested that the presidents of the professional leagues be co-opted into the GFA without the right to vote as they are major stake holders , having to run different age groups teams; take part in different tournaments /leagues organised by the GFA and other tournaments in India apart from the I League. This proposal was  to avoid clashes and alleviate the running conditions of these  clubs.
Sesa Goa and Salgaocar , both clubs who have two teams in the GFA put forth another proposal that their teams should not be strangulated and that they be allowed to play right up to the first division – if they earned a promotion.
Since there was no quorum , a small 15 minute discussion took place. Nothing much really happened as most were not prepared for this meeting.A  Salcette Football Club proposal that the GFA follow  the Government code for Sports bodies was shot down by Andrew D’Souza from Vasco. According to sources, Salcette football Club wanted the GFA to follow the government proposal that those above the age of 70 should not contest for the post of President  and he should hold office for not more then three terms. They also mooted the point that the honorary secretary and treasurer should not hold the post for more then two terms. Andrew pointed out that he had crossed 70 and was still actively involved in the organisation of football in his club. Andrew was supposed to have been backed by  Elvis Gomes, according to our sources.

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